Making cards for nursing home residents!
"To Make a Difference as a Youth and reach out to help other youth make a difference too."
JOI was founded in 1988. Participation in JOI gives young people the opportunity to serve their communities. They learn about and practice good citizenship, teamwork, communication and money management. JOI eposes members to Optimism as a philosophy of life, provides members with an improved sense of kindness, increased awareness for those in need, and a better sense of coping with cultural diversity.
Our clubs do a variety of projects: supporting their schools with handmade gifts for the custodians and bus drivers for Valentine's Day, Toys for Tots, honoring police officers and firefighters, road clean-up, making birthday bags for children in foster care, volunteering at a food bank, making Christmas cards for our elderly in nursing homes and Pennsylvania Military heroes, and much much more.
There are 8 young people needed to begin a JOI Club. There is a charter application, a one time enrollment fee of $50.00, officer selection sheet, bylaws, charter fee of $60.00 and a membership dues of $10.00 (middle and high school) or $8.00 (elementary). Each following year there is a charter fee renewal and membership dues.
I promise to -
Honor my parents and those whom experience has made wise.
Respect the beliefs of others.
Value all of my friendships and ensure they are true.
Treasure and nature my mind and body.
Be diligent and work at each task according to its importance.
Strive to be courteous at all time and truthful with everyone I meet.
Manage my money wisely and control materialism.
Respect all living things and help them maintain the balance of life.
Work to become independent, always think for myself, set high goals in life and dedicate myself to the service of others.
Bennet works part-time mowing the lawns of families in his apartment complex. He also mows both lawns of his grandparents. He enjoys biking and four-wheeling with family and friends..
If you'd like to start a JOI Club, please contact Chair Connie Sohnleitner at
717-676-9030 or email her at
Horbeit Cares Junior Optimist Club
Chester High School Club
Pennrest HS Optimist Club
Upper Merion Middle School Junior Optimist Club
York County Junior Optimist Club
Octagon Club of Central York High School
Atlantic Central District Optimist International
Copyright © 2025 Atlantic Central District Optimist International - All Rights Reserved.